Wordpress, WordPress

Mastering WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide for Seasoned Developers

If you’re a seasoned developer with over 5 years of experience in WordPress, you’ve likely encountered a myriad of challenges and triumphs while working with this powerful content management system. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that often come up in interviews for WordPress-related positions.


WordPress, Wordpress

Top WordPress Interview Questions and Answers

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. If you are preparing for a WordPress job interview, it is important to have a good understanding of the platform and its features. In this blog post, we will cover some of the top WordPress interview questions and provide answers that will help you ace the interview.


Wordpress, WordPress

WordPress FAQ

Q. What are the types of hooks in WordPress a. There are two types of hooks 1) Action hooks 2) Filter hooks Q. What is custom field in wordpress? a. Custom field is a meta-data that allows you to store arbitrary information to the wordpress post. Q. What is the