This WordPress Cheat Sheet should be enough to get you started developing or tweaking WordPress themes.
Basic Template Files |
style.css |
Style sheet file |
index.php |
Home Page file |
single.php |
Single post page file |
archive.php |
Archive or Category file |
searchform.php |
Search form file |
search.php |
Search content file |
404.php |
Error page file |
comments.php |
Comments template file |
footer.php |
Footer content file |
header.php |
Header content file |
sidebar.php |
Sidebar content file |
page.php |
Single page file |
PHP Snippets for Header |
bloginfo(‘name’); |
Title of the site |
wp_title(); |
Title of the specific post or page |
get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); |
The style.css file’s location |
bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); |
Pingback URL for this site |
bloginfo(‘template_url’); |
Location for the site’s theme files |
bloginfo(‘version’); |
WordPress version for the site |
bloginfo(‘atom_url’); |
Atom URL for the site |
bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); |
RSS2 URL for the site |
get_site_url(); |
Exact URL for the site |
bloginfo(‘name’); |
Name of the site |
bloginfo(‘html_type’); |
HTML version of the site |
bloginfo(‘charset’); |
Charset parameter of the site |
PHP Snippets for Templates |
the_content(); |
Content of the posts |
if(have_posts()): |
Check if there are posts |
while(have_posts()): the_post(); |
Shows posts if posts are available |
endwhile; |
Closes the ‘while’ PHP function |
endif; |
Closes the ‘if’ PHP function |
get_header(); |
Header.php file’s content |
get_sidebar(); |
Sidebar.php file’s content |
get_footer(); |
Footer.php file’s content |
the_time(‘m-d-y’); |
The date in ’08-18-07′ format |
comments_popup_link(); |
Link for the comments on the post |
the_title()’; |
Title of a specific post or page |
the_permalink(); |
URL of a specific post or page |
the_category(); |
Categor of a specific post or page |
the_author(); |
Author of a specific post or page |
the_ID(); |
ID of a specific post or page |
edit_post_link(); |
Link to edit a specific post or page |
get_links_list(); |
Links from the blogroll |
comments_template(); |
Comment PHP file’s content |
wp_list_pages(); |
List of pages of the site |
wp_list_cats(); |
List of categories for the site |
next_post_link(‘%link’); |
URL to the next post |
previoust_post_link(‘%link’); |
URL to the previoust post |
get_calendar()’ |
The built-in calendar |
wp_get_archives(); |
List of archives for the site |
posts_nav_link(); |
Next and previous post links |
bloginfo(‘description’); |
Site’s description |
Navigation menu |
Category Based Navigation |
<ul id=”menu”> |
<li <?php if(is_home()) { ?> class=”current-cat” <?php } ?> > |
<a href=”<php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>”>Home</a></li> |
<?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&orderby=id’); ?> |
</ul> |
Pages based Navigation |
<ul id=”menu”> |
<li <?php if(is_home()) { ?> class=”current_page_item” <?php } >>> |
<a href=”<php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>”>Home</a></li> |
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=’); ?> |
</ul> |
Extra stuff |
/%postname%/ |
Custom permalinks |
include(TEMPATEPATH . ‘/x’); |
Include any file |
the_search_query(); |
Value for search form |
_e(‘Message’); |
Prints out message |
wp_register(); |
Displays the register link |
wp_loginout(); |
Displas the login/logout link |
<!–next page–> |
Divides the content into pages |
<!–more–> |
Cuts off the content and adds a read more link |
wp_meta(); |
Meta for administrators |
timer_stop(1); |
Time to load the page |
echo get_num_queries(); |
Queries to load the page |
The Loop |
<php if(have_posts()): ?> |
<php while(have_posts()): the_post(); ?> |
// Post content here (Custom HTML & PHP code) |
<php else; ?> |
<php endif; ?> |
The Loop |
<php if(have_posts()): ?>
<php while(have_posts()): the_post(); ?>
// Post content here (Custom HTML & PHP code)
<php else; ?>
<php endif; ?>
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