Whats New in wordpress 3.5 – Elvin

WordPress, has released new version wordpress 3.5, the 80th version of WordPress. it brings with it some changes to help maintain its dominant position as the CMS of choice for bloggers and developers all over the world.

There are some obvious changes that we will all notice immediately and then there are some that maybe not everyone will notice, it is however shaping up to be a great release. Let’s take a look at some of what’s new!

lets discuss what Removed, Modified


  1. Links
    The “Links” Manager will be disabled by default on new WordPress installs. For upgrades from a previous version to WordPress 3.5 will keep the menu in place.
    If you want to keep the links then add plugin.
  2. Remote Publishing
    Atom is gone as of 3.5 and if you are using it you will need to use a 3rd party plugin.
  3. Privacy
    The link Privacy is removed in wordpress 3.5 previously it was under
    Now it was available as a single tick box under
    Settings->Reading page.
  4. Media Uploads
    Media Uploads Folder can no longer in Settings->Media
    if you want option then edit the functions.php


  1. Now the default theme with WordPress 3.5 is responsive
  2. My admin dash board looks much better.
  3. All the buttons now have a familiar rounded square look much like Twitter Bootstrap.
  4. TinyMCE has been updated to 3.5.7 and now also supports HTML5 tags
  5. jQuery gets updated to 1.8.3. jQuery UI is now 1.9.2. now you can use protocol-relative links when enqueuing scripts and styles.
  6. In the post or page editor the “HTML” tab has been renamed “Text”.
  7. Media:One of the single biggest changes in WordPress 3.5 is the way media is handled. The media library has had a much needed overhaul, when you edit an image you now get an edit screen more like the edit post screen.
  8. Better image quality for automatically resized images.
  9. Add Media : modal box with a much clearer workflow on how to upload, edit and insert your images. You can add Featured images from within the Add Media screen now and insert a gallery directly as well. No more uploading, saving, moving tabs and hoping it might appear. It was much more like Facebook or Flickr.
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